AIRpipe 3-Pipe System

The driver is under the legal obligation to remove water and ice from the tarpaulin of the truck before setting out on his next journey. Since this legal obligation is very exhausting and dangerous for the truck driver, it is neglected by many drivers.

In case of longer trips of the trucks, rain water may amass on the roof area which will spill over the lane of traffic during the further ride. The situation gets even more dangerous during the cold season because the water freezes on the roof areas and ice plates up to a weight of 100 kilos are formed.

 AIRpipe - 3-Pipe System


Numerous open top trailers and trucks drive in a loaded condition and with an open rolling tarpaulin. One reason for this is the time consuming and exhausting, manual rolling and unrolling of the tarpaulin. Moreover the driver needs to climb onto the platform on the front wall at a height of three metres. If cereals, corn or gravel fall down on the street, this may result in situations such as black ice.

The demand for suitable covering systems for open vehicles arises from the applicable laws concerning road traffic / cargo securing.


TÜV certified

Our AIRpipe 3-Pipe System is TÜV certified. G-ZI: 13-TAAP-0537/TÖP

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